Thursday, May 29, 2008


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Hello Dahwlin, Of course I will be coming along to your event again this year. I just love the new look of the blog, very nice (-: things are just a big boring in old tinsel town these days.
best wishes, Gloria

Anonymous said...

canna wait..........Radio Kirkinch will be on the road show!!!

Broonie said...

You won't have long to wait. Only two weeks to go and you're ON!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I hear we have the Loopy Loos playing and Mr Hudson and Mabel too on the spoons.What a treat! Just trying to gather my thoughts together for my trip over the Atlantic, so tiresome now with all the security, have to put all liquids in plastic bag but was informed had to keep them in their containers, I just poured them all in together!! Well, no-one explained and my shampoo was beginning to froth all over the place....
Just back from Mamma Mia premiere with my alter ego, she's is just SO tiresome what with all that singing ...'Waterloo' all over the place. Personally I prefer 'gimme gimme a man until midnight'!!

Just off to apply more Polyfilla to current economical climate cannot afford anymore surgery

Beryl Sleep

Broonie said...

MWA MWA to you too dahling.
It was soo good of you to come to our little Festival, what with you being so famous and all. Only sorry we didn't have enough room for you to land your private jet. It would have saved you having to "travel-A-pleb with your foaming parcels. Then again we might never have discoverd the "Seeit Stone."
You were wonderful of course and I thought it was marvelous the way you waved any rights to future profits. It's easy to see why you are such a star.