I could do with some, inspiration that is. I didn't know I was going to be on again tonight or I might have paid attention to the news, so that at least I'd have some thing to carp on about. The trouble is when you listen to the news every day it's a bit repetitive, like Vivaldi. The same old themes just keep reccuring. I think it's called "repetition for emphasis." It's the sort of trick they use in cults which makes me wonder if we are all being slowely brainwashed.
I've just remembered that I've forgoten to water my tomatoes. I can't do it now because it would disturb my mother. She would wonder what had woken her up, check all the doors and I'd be locked out for the night because she wouldn't hear me ringing the door bell or if she did she would just panic, come looking for me and then when she found me not there, panic even more.
Life can be quite complicated when your growing tomatoes. You never think when your putting them in that you could be setting yourself up for sleepless nights, wondering if they will survive without a drink or if you will manage to save them before mother starts cutting all their untidy growth down to bear stalks. This year I've just compouded all my usual concerns by growing maize and chillies as well. Evidently I'm off my head.
1 comment:
Noticed that you also get up around 12.40am, that's the middle of the night to all non 24hr clockers, there's only one thing that needs a drink at that time and I doubt it's the tomato. Who you kiddin you auld lush heed. We know what you're concealing in that poly tunnel. Watch out for the ultra violent rays they can be picked up from outer space.Or anywhere else that the local night shift constabulary hang about.
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