I broke off a very enjoyable internet chat with my old Nursing chum in Canada to fetch mother's Evening Telegraph from The Post Office.
Mother doesn't actually read the paper anymore but my daily trip to fetch it from The Post Office is part of her routine.
My father started the scheme when he was alive and the real purpose of the Evening Telegraph was so that he could nip into the Pub for a sly pint.
Networking he used to call it.
As mother doesn't read the paper and I don't nip into the pub for a sly drink, I've had to justify this daily waste of my time by reading the paper myself.
It's Berry Week according to the Evening Telegraph and thousands of trays of strawberries are to be delivered to schools to promote the eating of berries which are supposedly high in antioxidants or whatever and will make our kids "Berry Healthy."
Years ago most kids round these parts were, "Berry Healthy" because they were sent out every summer to pick them and while they picked they ate. They also got a rosy glow from the fresh air and the money in their pockets.
Nowadays of course it's European, Russian and Bulgarian students who pick the berries. It's all very efficient and it would seem that school kids are now on the consumer end of something they were traditionally involved in.
Call me cynical but sitting in a class room eating a few strawberries is not going to improve the health of our youngsters.
A good dose of Cod Liver Oil and a bowl of porridge for breakfast was how we started the day. After that anything was an improvemnet. The Cod Liver Oil was to protect you from disease and moral degeneration I think. The porridge was to fill your stomach but is now known to reduce Cholesterol among other things.
Getting back to G8 and all this talk of eradicating poverty. Disgusting wealth is the real problem. We need to eradicate that. I'd start with Elton John and Bono. Between them they could part with 100 million and still be very wealthy men.
Then I'd get the kids back to work at the berries.
It is unfortunate that children nowadays have little thoughts on how to procure the best strawberries from the scariest farmer for the highest cost - a chase down the drills with a few profanities in the air. Thats what put a rosy glow on your face and a spring in your step. Not antioxidants. Kids today just aren't berry healthy. Fact.
Aye do you remember berry fights and flickin bits a mud at Mrs Mcgovan who had that many wee refreshments she thought she was being attacked by berry bugs. An what about the soggy pieces an American cream soda an only making 2/6 at the blackcurrants. Great days eh. Oot wi yer pals haeing a Kerry on. Hame fur tea an because yed been workin a day ye didnae hae tae wash the dishes.
No your right kids today are no berry healthy. Facto facto
Its time we threw out tv's, playstations and any food aimed at obesity and shoved children up narrow chimneys and down mine shafts. Then they would really know what living was.
And how are things at Dotheboys these days.
Who are all these anonymous people seemingly having a conversation with themselves? And do our dear police know?
People like you!
I had a father too and he could also read. Do you think we could be related?
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