Yet another of Wombat's highly acclaimed productions looks set to be the main attraction at this years festival.
Following on from her success with Any Thane Goes at the Birnam Insitute, Wombat's latest Shakespearian adaptation, based on The Tempest, looks set to draw playgoers from around the world.
Johnny Depp, seen here with Vanessa Paradis at last years gathering, says he is looking forward to playing the lead and all the other parts just as soon as he gets the script and a decent pair of specs.
Vanessa has kindly agreed to run the raffle again this year.
Well, I suppose Johnny might manage all the male parts in my epic piece, but Vanessa and the raffle? She looks the type to confuse a salmon pink ticket with a buff one and we all know what trouble that can cause. Especially when the prize is a jar of your own fine preserves.
Plays come and go, but a raffle needs an expert. What is Rowan Williams up to these days? He has the fine clear tones to annunciate the serial numbers should this prove necessary. And he could probably supply a gang of choir boys to do the running. I take it that gambling is not against the rules for such a charming primate?
I might have known there would be a stooshy about the raffle!
I've already had Bet Simpson on the phone suggesting Vanessa would be better off on the Cake & Candy where she could get a good feed.
I doubt very much if Rowan would object to gambling. If he can rationalize being a Druid he can cope with a raffle and of course he's always free.
The thing is what am I to tell Vanessa?
Just tell her it's a man's job, that seems to do the trick in all walks of life.
Feeling even more cynical than usual today as I breathe in all the smoke from my downstairs neighbous. Gawd knows what their house must smell like because it's like the back room of a very low dive in here.
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