Vanessa Paradis kindly offered to run the raffle again at this years Kirkinch Festival Of The Airts but the growing opinion is that she can't tell the difference between a salmon pink ticket and a beige one.
The Archdruid of Canterbury has already said that he would oblige.
The problem of course is how to administer this slap in the teeth to poor Vanessa without upsetting Johnny as well. He's hardly going to take kindly to the love of his life being snubbed in this way and it could cost us our leading man.
The Archbishop may appeal to all shades of religious belief but he hardly has the pulling power of Johnny Depp.
I realize some people like him because he's a Druid as well as an Anglican but coming from good protestant, covenanter, stock I can't take to him on any level and I've already hired the marquee.
He looks as if he's brought his own marquee!
It's buff the good Vanessa would have the problems with, not beige. (I get my great knowledge of colours from working with so much acrylic - we had one recently called strained raspberry, or was it mouldy tea?) And yes, the problem would be resolved if you just stick to pink and white tickets. Would probably go with her outfit too.
Don't let the raffle spoil my show!
And hurry up with that jam, I'm rattling my crates here!
I'm having to stop in myself today, I'm expecting a delivery. Don't dare say of what.
Well I'm pleased you've relented on the raffle. I've got enough to do keeping this Tia maria under wraps.
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