Wednesday, May 12, 2004


When I woke up this morning the sun was shining through the sides of the blinds and I knew I'd have to cut the grass today. Before I started though I went off to do a bit of shopping to get my circulation going. I bought some sausages from the local butcher, pork with caramelized red onion, some venison and some asparagus. I'd cut the front and back grass and had started on what we call "The Plot" when my friend Nora arrived with some left over paint. We had a cup of tea sitting at my half painted, rustic garden table or rather I had tea and Nora had water.
The next item on the agenda was another shopping trip this time to the Organic Hut for vegetables. I bought radishes lettuce cabbage celery mushrooms potato onions and carrots. I'd eaten most of the radishes and half the celery by dinner time and although I meant to do the asparagus for dinner I forgot all about it.


Arthur Ransome said...

Sorry to learn that the asparagus is still uneaten. There is only so much of May left.

Broonie said...

I so wanted to eat the asparagus that had been cut that very morning. Hopefully it will still be good for lunch tomorrow. Glad you found me wombat.